Blue Milk's Rich Alot and D. Martin Myatt named their five favorite The Vintage Collection figures on Star Wars action figure show Force Five.
"Ken put us on the spot," said Alot of host Ken Plume. "We knew we'd talk about the book, but we didn't know we'd have to pick favorites, so the pressure was on."
Alot and Myatt took alternating turns naming their five favorite figures, qualifying their selections by noting the details and features that set each figure apart from its peers.
"The Vintage Collection has some of the best Star Wars figures we've ever seen, and it wasn't easy to narrow it down to five," Myatt said. "It's not surprising that none of our selections were the same."
You can watch to the entire Force Five interview on YouTube:
Ken Plume is an author, podcaster and producer. Plume runs Fred Entertainment (, where he hosts the interview series A Bit of a Chat with Ken Plume.
Rich Alot and D. Martin Myatt are co-authors of The Vintage Collection Archive Edition book, available through the Blue Milk shop.